Wiki Account Registration

Last modified by Monika Leung on 2023/08/25 16:33

EANTC Account

Register for an EANTC Account to be able to use our services, e.g. Wiki and RocketChat. Those who already have an account (due to previous or other projects) do not have to register again.


1) Go to

2) Fill in the required fields.

Please use your company e-mail address for registration!
For "First Name" and "Last Name" fields only letters, hyphens, and single spaces are allowed.

3) Click the "Register" button and you will receive an e-mail from asking you to activate your account.

The e-mail will look similar to this:

Gluu registration e-mail

Please take note of your username listed in this e-mail. You will need it for login.

4) Click the button and your account will be activated. You can now start using our services.


If you get an error during registration, please make sure that you follow the below conditions:

  • Allowed characters for the fields "First Name" and "Last Name" are letters, hyphens, and single spaces.
  • Use your company e-mail address, other e-mail domains (e.g. gmail) are not whitelisted for registration.

If you are still unable to register, please contact for support.

Reset Password

If you have forgotten your password, click the "Forgot your password?" link on the login page (
Enter your email address that you used for registration and you will receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password. 




If you wish to log out, click your icon in the top left, then click "Logout". You will be redirected to the following page. Now click "Logout Globally" to log out from RocketChat.


Logout Locally: Log out from EANTC Account but stay logged in on the services.

Logout Globally: Log out from EANTC Account and log out from all services (that were accessed during this session).

If none of the two buttons is clicked after about 5 minutes, you will be automatically logged out locally, i.e. your EANTC Account.