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Last modified by Monika Leung on 2025/01/31 18:10
From version 10.1
edited by Laura Sergi
on 2023/09/12 11:16
on 2023/09/12 11:16
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To version 18.1
edited by Laura Sergi
on 2023/09/29 11:45
on 2023/09/29 11:45
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... ... @@ -1,29 +1,35 @@ 1 -((( 2 -EANTC (European Advanced Networking Test Center) is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading independent centers for telecommunication technologies. Based in Berlin, Germany, the company offers vendor-neutralconsultancy andrealistic,reproducible,high-quality testingservices since1991. Customers includeleading network equipment manufacturers, tier-1serviceproviders,large enterprises, and governments worldwide. EANTC's performance andscalability,interoperability, proof ofconcept,acceptance tests, and network audits cover establishedand next-generationfixedandmobileetwork technologies.1 +|(% style="width:1883px" %)((( 2 +EANTC (European Advanced Networking Test Center) is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading independent test labs for telecommunication technologies. Based in Berlin, Germany, the company offers vendor-neutral, realistic, and high-quality testing and consultancy services for vendors, service providers, and enterprises. 3 3 4 +EANTC's performance and scalability, interoperability, proof of concept, acceptance tests, and network audits cover established and next-generation fixed and mobile network technologies. 4 4 6 +Our technical expertise focuses on network technologies like 5G, Open RAN, SD-WAN, and security testing. 5 5 8 +We organize a unique style of interoperability and performance test events covering advanced technologies such as SDN transport and Open RAN. 6 6 7 -[[path:/bin/view/MPLS%20SDN%20Interoperability%20Test/]] 8 8 9 9 12 +[[MPLS SDN Interop Test Public Pages>>doc:MPLS SDN Interoperability Test.WebHome]] 10 10 14 +[[MPLS SDN Interop Test 2024>>doc:mplssdninteroptest2024:Main.WebHome]] 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 -[[path:/bin/view/Main/Wiki%20Account%20Registration/]] 17 17 18 -Please **[[contact us>>]]** to set up a Wiki account (NDA required) and access the whole Wiki space of the project. 19 -))) 20 20 21 -((( 22 -(% style="color:#2980b9" %) 23 -[[image:/bin/download/Main/WebHome/Logo-EANTC.png?width=298&height=57&rev=1.1||alt="EANTC Logo" height="57" width="298"]] 24 24 25 25 24 + 25 +[[Wiki Account Registration>>path:/bin/view/Main/Wiki%20Account%20Registration/]] 26 + 27 +Please **[[contact us>>]]** to set up a Wiki account (NDA required) and access the whole Wiki space of the project. 28 +)))|(% style="width:789px" %)((( 26 26 (% style="color:#2980b9" %) 30 +[[~[~[image:Main.WebHome@Logo-EANTC.png~|~|alt="EANTC Logo" height="56" width="280"~]~]>>]] 31 + 32 +(% style="color:#2980b9" %) 27 27 EANTC AG 28 28 Entrance D, 1st Floor 29 29 Salzufer 14 ... ... @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ 39 39 [[Subscribe to our newsletter!>>]] 40 40 41 41 [[>>url:]] 42 - 43 - 44 -[[image:/bin/download/Main/WebHome/twitter-icon.png?width=27&height=27&rev=1.1||alt="twitter-icon.png" height="27" width="27"]] [[ >>url:]] [[image:/bin/download/Main/WebHome/linkedin.png?width=27&height=27&rev=1.1||alt="linkedin.png" height="27" width="27"]] [[ >>url:]] [[image:/bin/download/Main/WebHome/youtube%20logo.png?width=27&height=27&rev=1.1||alt="youtube logo.png" height="27" width="27"]] [[ >>url:]] 45 45 ))) 49 + 50 + [[~[~[image:Main.WebHome@twitter-icon.png~|~|height="27" width="27"~]~]>>]] [[~[~[image:Main.WebHome@linkedin.png~|~|height="27" width="27"~]~]>>]] [[~[~[image:Main.WebHome@youtube logo.png~|~|height="27" width="27"~]~]>>]]